Looking for inspiration? (or simply a reason to keep publishing on Amazon KDP…)
Finding profitable niches on Amazon KDP that aren’t saturated isn’t always an easy task. But one way to stand out even in the crowdest markets is to utilize the power of themes.
Tired of the same old devotional books? Jazz it up with a Boss Woman’s theme.
Bored with the over-saturated Stoner Coloring book niche? Focus on Swearing Cats instead.
Regardless of the niche, there’s always a way to make your mark. Sometimes, all it takes is putting a unique spin on the content and targeting it to one main audience.
Here are a few of the currently top-selling self-published books in the medium content space.
Swearing Cats: Estimated monthly earnings: $29,889. They recently published a Volume 2 that’s earning an average of $3,995 monthly.
How to Draw Anything for Kids: Estimated monthly earnings: $7,875. This self-published author has a couple of other books in this niche that are earning money, such as this one, which was published in June and already earns a monthly average of $1,575-$1,890.
The Silent Letters Sub-Niche: This is a great niche for kids as it’s both evergreen and currently trending. This self-published book is earning an average of $5,782 monthly. And there’s this one, earning $459, on average, every month.
40-Minute Devotionals: This evergreen niche will make you more money if you find a fresh, new angle, such as the “Think About That for a Minute” series that’s earning an average of $6,883 monthly.
Your Child’s Point of View Books: I’m just getting into this niche now as it’s showing great potential. I plan to use ChatGPT to create the questions and point of view statements from both adults and kids. It should be very easy to create.
This one is only a few months old and earns an average of $6,752 monthly. Take a look at the images in the reviews to see how the interior is designed. It’s super simple.
Themed Word Search Books: Even saturated niches, like word search, can be quite profitable if you put a fun, new twist on it. Themeing is what it’s all about in this one!
This self-published book, which focuses on finding the word “fox” on every page, earns an average of $2,411 monthly.
The perfect niche is out there, waiting for you to uncover it. So, dive into these niches, experiment with your ideas, and who knows? Your next bestseller could be just around the corner.
Happy publishing!

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